Answare successfully presented its Brainstorming Pilot in ITEI final review

ITEI Final Review took place in Brussels on the 23rd of March. Answare made a great impression to partners and ITEA2 reviewers with the demonstration of the Brainstorming application designed to support Ideas harvesting and valuation in innovative companies. This advanced pilot has been developed along with AuraPortal and Universitat Jaume I.

Semosa and Dicoma projects obtain ITEA2 label

100% success! Two of two projects selected by Answare to participate in cooperation with european consortia have obtained the preciated ITEA2 label. It's been a long way since Answare attended the ITEA2 project outline preparation days by the early days of February. After both project outlines succeeded, months of hard work preparing the final proposal have been rewarded by this excellent result.

Big success of TourKhana at the Innpacto workshop

Last 8th of February, Rafael Montero and Iván Díaz of Answare presented Answare's project TourKhana in a workshop about the Innpacto program. The presentation catched the attention of many attendants and a proof of that was that after the event, many organizations contacted the company seeking to cooperate with Answare in the development of the system.

Answare contribution to Multipol Project beyond ITEA2 representatives expectatives

In the Final Review, the Project Manager Juan Carlos García and the Director of the company, Tonny Velin, presented the demonstrator of the project to ITEA2 representatives at their full satisfaction. The demonstrator shows how the security policies for multiple domains offered by the MULTIPOL tool suite are applied to Secure Buildings.

More Articles...

  1. Answare obtains CMMI maturity level 2
  2. DiYSE project wins the Exhibition Award at ITEA2 summit

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