Software development for demanding Hi-Tech environments


Customized software development

Learn how Answare can help your organization to develop software projects of high techological complexity and critical constraints by applying its expertise in fields like satellite systems and control centers, mobile apps in telemedicine or GIS for Earth Observation Systems. Learn more..

Mobile remote care of low birth weight babies

The CareMe@Home system developed by Answare provides health centres with an unvaluable tool for monitoring the evolution of low birth weight babies at home. This means benefits for all the involved stakeholders: the health centre, the parents and, of course, the babies. Learn more...

Consultancy for public funded R+D+i projects

As a certified entity by the Madrid Chamber of Commerce, Answare can bring to your organization its expertise in the preparation of winning proposals seeking public funds for R+D+i projects, either at national or international level. Learn more...

Featured product: TourKhana

Imagine yourself walking along a street of a rich cultural heritage city. You are a tourist eager for new and exciting experiences in a foreign culture. Wouldn't it be exciting to get involved in a passionate adventure immerse in the scenarios you want to visit? sharing time, space and facts happened long time ago with lengendary inhabitants of the city? and what if, at the same time, you learn about the history and cultural heritage of the city? Well, that's what Answare's technology brings to the stakeholders interested in the exploitation of touristic resources.

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