Remote Brainstorming: Innovation in the style of Answare

ITEI project Final Review took place in Brussels during the past 23rd of March. Answare presented its Brainstorming application, designed and developed along with Auraportal ( and Universitat Jaume I (

ITEI perspective

ITEI -Information Technologies supporting the Execution of Innovation Projects- is an ITEA2 labeled project aiming to develop a methodology and to design a software environment for the Management of Innovation of intensive software systems. Many first-class European companies, universities and research centers have contributed to ITEI with their experience in Innovation providing great value applications, reports and industrial cases to configure a set of innovation software pilots and a Software INNOvation Body of Knowledge (, a try of defining a European standard of practice areas to perform Innovation in Software Industry.

Answare contribution

Answare contribution to ITEI has focused in the development of an Idea Generation framework to allow industrial companies to perform Brainstorming sessions in a distributed environment, without the need of physical on-site meetings, allowing faster and cheaper results without losing flexibility. Moreover, Answare wrote an industrial case telling its experience in the paradigm of Ideas Harvesting and Valuation that will be published within the next months in the SinnoBoK reference manual.


To explain its pilot, Answare introduced in ITEI Final Review the case of a Brainstorming session about Open Health Remote Assistance:

Having that problem and those needs, Answare designed a pilot to perform the desired Brainstorming that has the next look:

As can be seen, not only ideas are allowed, but also comments and replies to these comments. Finally, each participant valuates each idea by liking or disliking it, generating a list of the Top 5 ideas.


ITEI project has provided Answare with great experience about Software Innovation, incrementing the company’s knowledge about this field: Answare’s Innovation & Quality Management System will be redesigned and improved following the outputs from ITEI.

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