The countdown for CareMe@Home in Puerta de Hierro Hospital starts

For months, specialized personnel from the Pediatry and TI departments have been working together with Answare engineers in order to fine tune this innovative tool that could mean a significative improvement in the way to control the evolution of these babies.

Everyone involved in this critical task gets benefits from the use of CareMe@Home for LWB babies:

For the Hospital: resources are managed in a more effective way.

For the doctors: they can focus on the babies that require high priority attention.

For the parents: they reduce the stress of having their children far from home and those continuous trips to the hospital while at the same time they know that everything is under control.

For the baby: there is nothing like being at home with their parents.

Indra and Answare broaden the scope of their collaboration to Geospatial Systems

Last September Indra and Answare have started a new stage in the scope of their collaboration by extending it to Geospatial Systems. In order to reach this agreement Indra has considered Answare's know-how in geolocalization technologies and its capacity in terms of flexibility and fast reaction time in projects where time and specific knowledge are critical factors.

Indra and Answare have worked together since 2006 in aerospatial projects, in particular in Ground Systems Monitorization and Control (Helios, Galileo). Furthermore, Answare and Indra Software Labs develop together R&D projects in a variety of fields like power supply networks (Energos, Imponet, Nemo&Coded), mobile payment systems (Semosa) and disaster management (DiCoMa).

Indra is a global technology, innovation and talent company. It is on the cutting edge of high value-added solutions and services for the Transport and Traffic, Energy and Industry, Public Administration and Healthcare, Financial Services, Security and Defence and Telecom and Media sectors. The company operates in more than 110 countries and has more than 31,000 employees worldwide, focusing on developing innovative solutions that meet the needs of the most demanding clients. Indra ranks second in Europe by R&D spend, investing close to €500m during the last three years.

Answare wins ITEA2 Achievement Award 2011 Gold Medal

Answare has been awarded with the ITEA2 Achievement Award 2011 Gold Medal for its performance in the Multipol project. Answare also participates in the other finalist project, ITEI.

Answare thereby adds one more milestone to its successful record of participations in R&D projects developed with the support of the ITEA2 european program. Last year Answare was awarded with the Exhibition Award for its participation in the DiYSE project.

The picture shows our engineer, Juan Carlos García (right), holding the Award with the Multipol project manager Thierry Winter.

TourKhana goes to Innpacto 2011!

The die is cast. TourKhana is on its way to get support for becoming the best Tourism smartphone experience. Should it win or should it lose, the fact is that the project has been successful in the attempt to get together a blend of best-in-class research centres and innovative companies. Thanks to UVa, Centic, Fedac, ULPGC and Globales for their contribution to the proposal. Thanks also to Turismo de Segovia for their support and their interest to see TourKhana in action in such beautiful city. Now....let's cross fingers.

More Articles...

  1. Answare successfully presented its Brainstorming Pilot in ITEI final review
  2. Big success of TourKhana at the Innpacto workshop
  3. Semosa and Dicoma projects obtain ITEA2 label
  4. Answare contribution to Multipol Project beyond ITEA2 representatives expectatives

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